Trucking laws in Texas exist to protect those who make their living on the road, but when the rules and regulations aren’t enough, you’ll need a Texas truck accident lawyer to step in and make sure that justice is served. Truck accident lawsuits are often necessary when state or federal regulations are bent or broken in favor of the trucking company making a buck. If you or a loved one has been injured in a Texas trucking accident, call the personal injury lawyers from Grimes & Fertitta to get what you deserve. Federal trucking laws and regulations The Federal Motor...
If you’re in the process of a child custody settlement case, this question has certainly crossed your mind: “Does Texas have a cap on child support?” Though the answer is yes, there are a few exceptions to the rule. Texas’ income cap for child support payments ensures that the paying parents’ child support amount will not be excessive — there are however cases where this cap is not as fair as it is intended to be. It is important to understand how child support is determined in Texas before negotiating child support payments, as Texas calculates child support differently from...
Truck accident lawsuits can be complex legal matters with many factors at play. If you are considering filing a truck accident lawsuit, you should know how these types of lawsuits typically work. Being hit by a truck can be an overwhelming and scary experience, especially if you or a passenger suffered injuries as a result of the accident. Once you’ve gotten to safety and have received medical treatment if necessary, you can decide if you would like to file a truck accident lawsuit. The Texas statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims is generally two years from the date...
Is child support based on income or net worth? Estimating the amount of child support an individual will pay can be a complicated process, especially for high-net-worth individuals, but how exactly is it calculated? Are individual assets included in the amount that non-custodial parents are expected to pay? What are other factors that affect my child support payments? Factors like these are stressful to consider during the already difficult time at the end of a marriage — and for some, the additional stresses of custody battles and resource division can often be too much to bear. If you expect to...
If you’ve been in an accident due to someone else’s drinking, here is everything you need to know about how to sue a drunk driver. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, a driver is legally intoxicated when their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches 0.08% — but they are breaking the law as soon as drugs or alcohol affect their driving regardless of how high their BAC is. If you or a loved one were injured by a drunk driver, the at-fault driver could be liable for damages such as current and future medical bills as well as current and...
If you’re entering into a custody battle with a former spouse or co-parent, you may be wondering, do I need a child custody lawyer? Although negotiations for custody guidelines and visitation rights can be done without an attorney present, in our experience, having a trustworthy custody lawyer in Houston by your side is the best way to win your child custody case. The family attorneys at Grimes & Fertitta are here to answer some common questions about child custody cases, as well as tell you why you might want to hire an attorney to fight for your rights in a...